Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is the Wiccan View of Christianity?

To a Wiccan Christianity is viewed not much differently than Judaism, Islam, Taoism, or any multitude of religions aside from the one we practice.  If there is any difference it may in fact be related to the amount of animosity at times expressed by members of the Christian faith who outwardly denigrate Wiccan beliefs.  Given this unpleasant reality, it is not uncommon for some Wiccans to view Christianity as a source of oppression. 

To further complicate relations between practitioners of these two faiths, there are historical rifts that have fostered a mistrust and at times animosity towards each of these religions.  Not unlike long held conflicts between different socio-political factions, a history fraught with tension and oppression has produced lingering effects.  It is common for some Wiccans to assume that Christians will be quick to dismiss, judge, or denigrate their beliefs.  This may be based on actual experiences of harassment or abuse, but may also perpetuate this hostility if we are too quick to jump to conclusions.  On the other hand, some followers of the Christian faith harbor negative attitudes or judgments about what Wicca is, in their minds, regardless of the truth.  This can lead to aggressive and sometimes harassing tactics to convert, embarrass, or create discomfort for the Wiccan practitioner.  Either of these two extremes proves detrimental to tolerance and the ability to move forward into greater acceptance. 

 Aside from hostile attitudes stemming from past misunderstandings or historic oppression, many Wiccans view Christianity as containing elements of paganism existing before efforts at transmogrification by the church centuries ago.  Wiccans may recognize the pagan undertones in elements of Christian worship such as the Trinity, the Christmas tree or Easter Egg, or even myriad saint’s days that fall in accordance with pagan days of worship.  The extent that this recognition is a source of contention depends on the practitioner themselves.  Some Wiccans also view parallels believed to have been useful in the acculturation of Christianity.  For example, as Wiccans we honor the birth, growth, and death of a Solar King Deity, as do many other religious systems.  As a result some Wiccans hold the view that Christ is another archetypical Solar King Deity.  Others view him as a sage healer trained by the Druids, but do not as a result, pay homage to him as the son of God.  Wiccans have a plethora of seeking within our own spiritual system without seeking to adapt from Christianity in general.  Like most things however even this carries its exceptions.  Some Wiccan practitioners seek to blend Christianity and Wicca although a majority of Wiccans do not. 

 It is worth noting that within the 13 Principals of Wiccan Belief it is stated “Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.”  This explains that in general Wiccans are not seeking to be the polar opposite of any religion, nor are we seeking to “invert” or disgrace the practices of Christians or any others.  The existence of any hostility is a result of centuries of propaganda and anti-pagan campaigns that have sought to drive out the practices of paganism, Magick, divination and healing outside of the institution of the church. 

Article by Angela Kaufman, co-author of Wicca: What's the Real Deal?  Find out more at

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Should I tell my significant other that I AM Wiccan?

Boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy finds out girl is a Witch. This formula proved successful in the TV classic Bewitched. In real life this scenario could produce less entertaining relationship issues.  Hiding an interest in or practice of Wicca from someone who is supposed to be an intimate partner is a recipe for disaster.  If being involved in a budding new romance raises concerns about whether to let your suitor know you are Wiccan the question that arises is, ‘Why’?
Why would a new relationship be threatened by your faith? If you have concerns that your significant other will not understand your religion, you may be correct. If this is the case, keeping your religion a secret will not foster a healthy, open relationship. If your partner would not be accepting of your religion it holds true that there is a part of yourself that your partner does not accept, whether it is a secret or not. When the truth surfaces, as truths have a habit of doing, you will need to contend with the damage of secrecy and lack of trust in your partner regardless of their own misinformation about what you believe. Starting a relationship with secrecy or hiding an aspect of your identity should be a warning sign that this relationship lacks a healthy foundation. If you have already been involved in a relationship and then desire to pursue Wicca, it is still necessary to discuss your interests with your partner.  If they would not accept a choice you make to enhance your lifestyle through spirituality, then this speaks to the level of trust in this relationship and should be considered carefully.

How one discloses being Wiccan can play a role in how accepting others are. To discuss the basic beliefs involved in Wicca openly with a partner requires a candid discussion free of judgment on both sides. It is not a topic to be brought up during an argument, or when busy or distracted. It is helpful to use a lot of examples of what your beliefs entail. Since spirituality can be an amalgam of esoteric concepts, being able to link the tenets of your beliefs with actions you take can be helpful. Try to make comparisons to practices with which your partner is familiar. For instance, in telling a romantic interest about Wicca and the reverence for Mother Earth, one can give examples of the spiritual significance of mundane things that your partner has likely observed you doing- such as recycling or keeping a garden. These actions can be explained in their relevance to your religion to emphasize what Wicca is about as well as the fact that “acting Wiccan” doesn’t necessarily place someone on the fringe of society. Lots of people plant gardens and take care of the Earth, Wiccans see it as a spiritual practice. 

 It is important to address misconceptions candidly. Resist the temptation to judge your partner for not knowing what Wicca is.  The challenge now is to build understanding. Your words start this process, but actions must follow. Ask questions to ascertain what your partner has heard about Wicca, and be prepared for their response, good or bad. The goal of this discussion is to correct misunderstandings. This cannot be done successfully unless one takes the time to figure out what information their partner has gleaned. When possible, point to information in your own life, environment or social circle that contradicts misinformation obtained by your partner from other sources. For example, if your boyfriend has only heard of Wiccans being power hungry, flighty, or lacking in serious commitments, you can  point out that your practice of Wicca demands a level of humility, respecting your place in nature, concentrated focus, perhaps you have finished college and have been building a steady career for years etc.

In the long run, it is hoped that a partner can remain respectful and learn from your experiences. Some red flags would be a lack of respect, a demand that you give up your religion, or verbalization of understanding but consistent passive aggressive put-downs regarding your faith. Whether someone believes your religion or not, it is essential in an intimate relationship that each party respect each other’s views enough to not judge, make fun of or criticize the other.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Are Suggested Wiccan Study Topics?

Without a structured agenda one can lose focus and miss the opportunity to strengthen their understanding of the Craft and its application to daily life. The Wiccan path is an ongoing quest in which one is continually a student.  To start, reflect on strengths, weaknesses, and goals at present.  How well do you know the “basics” of Wicca? What is your understanding of the Sabbats, the Principles of Belief and 13 Goals of a Witch?  How well do you know the “Wiccan Rede,” “The Witches’ Creed,” “The Charge of the God/Goddess,” and other literature from which Wiccan tenets are derived? It is necessary to have an understanding of the basics prior to embarking on some of the more glamorous facets of the Craft. To try to become adept at Magick without first having a good understanding of spiritual principles and laws is unwise.

Explore as many books on basic Wicca as possible.  Weigh the information you receive using discernment in line with your highest ideals.  Make consistent entries in a journal like a Book of Mirrors to track your intuitive experiences and reflect regularly on information you encounter pertaining to your developing knowledge of Wicca.  

Examine how you are already living these principles, and what you may need to do to incorporate other principles to a greater extent. Explore facets of history that will enhance your understanding of how Wicca evolved. Becoming familiar with works like the ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ will add perspective to the historical context of anti-paganism as both propaganda and political weapon.  Learning one’s cultural history helps to enlighten one’s self and others.

Strive to balance  general knowledge with skill in specific Craft areas. It is counterproductive to finely hone skills in use of crystals but lack common sense and ethical application of this knowledge. As you advance in your understanding also prepare to compliment book knowledge of the Craft with experience. It is one thing to understand how meditation works theoretically, but there is no substitute for practice. It is also beneficial to understand the significance of animal and other natural totems, without neglecting the practice of spending some type of time outdoors allowing natural elements to surround you. Some specialties in Wicca can include healing, herbalism, divination, communing with animals and nature, and further development of intuition.

Regardless of your area(s) of specialty it is essential to place these studies in the greater context of your Wiccan faith. Many people may be able to read Tarot Cards for example, but to develop this skill as an extension of your Wiccan faith and beliefs makes the difference between reading the cards at face value and letting the cards be a vehicle to connect with the God and Goddess. When developing as a Wiccan, one is not just rehearsing a skill but developing channels to Nature and the Divine through many available outlets.

Angela Kaufman is the coauthor of Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Help! My Parents Will Not Let Me Be Wiccan!

As Wicca continues to grow in popularity it is understandable that young people searching for ways to make sense of the world and attain spiritual peace will continue to want to explore this path as well. Problems may arise when a teen’s parents or guardians do not understand the Wiccan faith, or, worse, are not open to understanding and exploring it for themselves prior to judging Wicca as evil. What should a young person do if confronted with this dilemma? Is what mom or dad doesn’t know still going to hurt them? Is it better to abandon all hope of studying Wicca to appease the family? 

No matter what lifestyle a teen is exploring within their own natural or constitutional rights, when in mom or dad’s home, one must do or not do as mom and dad say. If a teen has a true interest in Wicca that is more than a passing impulse, the opportunity to worship the God and Goddess and practice this faith will await them when they are independent and able to establish their own lifestyle outside of the confines of the family home. 

In the meantime, some potential for education or compromise may exist depending on the openness of the family as well as the diplomacy and behavior of the teen.  For instance, if Betsy, a 16 year old, introduces her interest in Wicca to her parents openly and shows her parents some positive books from the local library to help answer any questions they  have, or brings her parents to a positive practitioner of Wicca in the community to address concerns or questions, a discussion can ensue in which her parents can express their concerns or misunderstandings. They may still have concerns about Betsy being harassed or bullied at school or still have rules they wish her to follow such as not practicing with a group without their permission or without introducing them to the group leaders etc. but these matters are more likely to be discussed openly now. 

Say in contrast that Carrie, another 16 year old, becomes more and more withdrawn and secretive with her family. One day her mother is doing her laundry and finds Wiccan literature in a pocket of her jeans. Confused and concerned, Carrie’s mother confronts her daughter with her interest in Wicca. An argument ensues and her mother forbids her from practicing Wicca.  Her mom has come to associate secrecy and deception with her religious interests, and the opportunity to promote understanding and gain mom’s trust lost. 

The process of discussing interest in Wicca with a parent can vary but these examples illustrate the need to be open, respectful, and to go the extra mile to educate others. How a teen acts toward their religion and the process of sharing information they have learned with others will go a long way in building bridges vs. burning them. It remains the parents’ right to establish limits and rules in their house. A teen who is committed to exploring Wicca will have ample opportunity to pursue the faith in their own independent lifestyle when this milestone occurs. In the meantime, respecting nature, respecting parents as embodiments of the God and Goddess, and respecting Mother Earth are practices that can continue regardless of the title one wears or identifies with and will prepare the teen for a Wiccan lifestyle later on in the future.

Angela Kaufman is the coauthor of Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Dayna Winters, and Patricia Gardner.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Activity Planning for Wiccan Youth Clubs

There are fun, educational, and socially conscious activities that youth can explore that would promote and develop their identity as Wiccans.  One of the most important things to bear in mind when planning these activities is that whatever is done under the public banner of “Wiccan Club” will be a representation to the community of what Wiccans do.  Just as a community would take note if a troop of Boy Scouts were caught hosting a rowdy party, so too would a club of this nature draw attention and negative judgment if it’s members were to present out of alignment with their true ideals and philosophy. Also of importance in forming a club for Wiccan teens is to be sure to consider safety measures in determining logistics of club leadership, meeting places etc.  Be extremely cautious when establishing leadership for such a club as it will be essential that a credible individual, preferably one met by parents of youth joining the club and approved of by the same, is overseeing club activities.

A good place to start in solidifying a club for Wiccan teens would be to grow in understanding of the 13 Goals of a Witch.  In fact, an ongoing project for this group could be to focus on one goal at a time for 13 consecutive months and establish projects for individuals as well as the group to explore what each of these goals mean.  As an example, goal number one is “Know Thyself,” so activities and journaling assignments can be used to enhance exploration of this goal.  To make things fun, these activities could extend to art making, writing, music making etc.  One of the ending projects could be the topic of a local art show.  Another goal, “Keeping Words and Thoughts in Good Order,” could be attained through a challenge of practicing assertiveness with others and committing to abstain from aggressive, impulsive, or harmful speech. 

Activities that enhance the concept of honoring of the God and Goddess through the care of Mother Earth as well as nature and animal life would be perfect activities for Wiccan clubs to show their true colors as well as to get valuable experience in community service while strengthening their connection to Nature.  Weekly or monthly service days in which members volunteer collectively at animal shelters, neighborhood cleanup projects, or get involved in animal or environmental protection campaigns can be great and exciting ways to bring the spirituality of Wicca into a mundane and practical use.  The experience gained in volunteer work is priceless to both the volunteer and those on the receiving end of such charitable work.  Working to give back to nature and animals also increases the connection to Mother Earth.

Other activities that can help with group cohesiveness and enhance study of the Craft can be established through group practice of psychometry or telepathy.  This can be turned into a series of games.  For example, each member of the group can present an object such as a watch, piece of jewelry or picture.  Then distribute the items to someone else so no one ends up with the item with which they are familiar.  Each member will then hold the item in their receptive hand and attempt to receive psychic impressions from the energy of the item.  Other games can be created with the purpose of enhancing group members’ abilities to give and receive psychic impressions to each other, and things like photographs, cards, or small items can be used as props to enhance this practice in earlier stages.

Arts and craft activities are great for Wiccan Clubs as well.  Brooms, cauldrons, wands, grimoires, and other common tools can be created or enhanced by refurbishing old items collected or recycled materials.  To add even more variety, if each member of the group brings one collected item to contribute to making a single tool, creativity as well as teamwork can be enhanced. 

There is no limit on types of activities that can be implemented for fun, learning, networking, and the pursuit of social justice or environmental protection.  These activities can give Wiccan club members a chance to grow in their own faith and demonstrate a positive attitude in the community thereby role modeling what following the Wiccan faith really means.

Angela Kaufman is the coauthor of Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Patricia Gardner and Dayna Winters.  The book is available at, Barnes and,, and fine bookstores everywhere.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

An Explication of the Principles of Belief: Part 13

“We work within Nature for that which is contributory to our health and well-being.”

Wiccans utilize the natural and supernatural realms for resources and physical/spiritual sustenance.  Wiccans seek to utilize the gifts from Mother Earth and our knowledge of other realms to bring balance, peace, and healing to others and ourselves as appropriate.  We do not seek to exploit the fruits of Mother Earth or misuse the energy surrounding us in order to gain power or advantage over others.  We seek to work within that which is naturally available to all in order to promote health and growth, whether it is physical growth, spiritual, or both.  Wiccans also abide by the law “fairly take and fairly give” meaning that we do not seek to ravage the fruits of the Earth even if it were for our own health and well-being.  We believe in acquiring knowledge, wisdom, and balance from our surroundings on a physical and energy level.

We take seriously that our relationship with nature be a mutually beneficial one.  To the best of our ability, we want to give back to the natural world that sustains us, and seek nurturing without greedily seeking to dominate the natural world.  It is within a Wiccan mindset to seek remedies for both physical ailments as well as emotional needs from what is naturally available to us.

We seek to connect with the bounty of Mother Earth to promote health and growth before seeking nurturing from synthetic sources.  This, of course, does not to imply that all Wiccans are devoted to health food or are instant herbalists.  There are sub-specialties that those who follow the Wiccan faith may also be interested in learning.  This principle does not imply that Wiccans do not utilize synthetic objects such as plastics or that all Wiccans only eat organic foods.

Again, there is great variation among Wiccan practitioners.  However, as often as it is possible to do so, we strive to work first with our blessings from the natural world prior to seeking artificial, synthetic, or superficial ways to sustain our health and well-being.  This further strengthens our connection with the Earth and natural energies as well as increases our sense of independence from the material realm.  We recognize that a spiritual path provides a degree of sustenance that is not enriched by a purely material focus alone.

Angela Kaufman is the coauthor of Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner.