Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is the Wiccan View of Christianity?

To a Wiccan Christianity is viewed not much differently than Judaism, Islam, Taoism, or any multitude of religions aside from the one we practice.  If there is any difference it may in fact be related to the amount of animosity at times expressed by members of the Christian faith who outwardly denigrate Wiccan beliefs.  Given this unpleasant reality, it is not uncommon for some Wiccans to view Christianity as a source of oppression. 

To further complicate relations between practitioners of these two faiths, there are historical rifts that have fostered a mistrust and at times animosity towards each of these religions.  Not unlike long held conflicts between different socio-political factions, a history fraught with tension and oppression has produced lingering effects.  It is common for some Wiccans to assume that Christians will be quick to dismiss, judge, or denigrate their beliefs.  This may be based on actual experiences of harassment or abuse, but may also perpetuate this hostility if we are too quick to jump to conclusions.  On the other hand, some followers of the Christian faith harbor negative attitudes or judgments about what Wicca is, in their minds, regardless of the truth.  This can lead to aggressive and sometimes harassing tactics to convert, embarrass, or create discomfort for the Wiccan practitioner.  Either of these two extremes proves detrimental to tolerance and the ability to move forward into greater acceptance. 

 Aside from hostile attitudes stemming from past misunderstandings or historic oppression, many Wiccans view Christianity as containing elements of paganism existing before efforts at transmogrification by the church centuries ago.  Wiccans may recognize the pagan undertones in elements of Christian worship such as the Trinity, the Christmas tree or Easter Egg, or even myriad saint’s days that fall in accordance with pagan days of worship.  The extent that this recognition is a source of contention depends on the practitioner themselves.  Some Wiccans also view parallels believed to have been useful in the acculturation of Christianity.  For example, as Wiccans we honor the birth, growth, and death of a Solar King Deity, as do many other religious systems.  As a result some Wiccans hold the view that Christ is another archetypical Solar King Deity.  Others view him as a sage healer trained by the Druids, but do not as a result, pay homage to him as the son of God.  Wiccans have a plethora of seeking within our own spiritual system without seeking to adapt from Christianity in general.  Like most things however even this carries its exceptions.  Some Wiccan practitioners seek to blend Christianity and Wicca although a majority of Wiccans do not. 

 It is worth noting that within the 13 Principals of Wiccan Belief it is stated “Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.”  This explains that in general Wiccans are not seeking to be the polar opposite of any religion, nor are we seeking to “invert” or disgrace the practices of Christians or any others.  The existence of any hostility is a result of centuries of propaganda and anti-pagan campaigns that have sought to drive out the practices of paganism, Magick, divination and healing outside of the institution of the church. 

Article by Angela Kaufman, co-author of Wicca: What's the Real Deal?  Find out more at

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